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Research ethics

If the work involves experimentation on living animals, the authors must provide evidence that it was performed in accordance with ethical guidelines. In the case of work involving human beings, the procedures should be in accordance with the ethical standards of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of the author’s institution and with the 2000 revision of the Helsinki Declaration of 1975.

Authors must ensure that the works described in submitted manuscript have not been published (except in a form of abstract, lecture, or academic thesis) and are not being under consideration for publication elsewhere. For the policies on the research and publication ethics not stated in this instructions, International standards for editors and authors (https://publicationethics.org/resources/international-standards-for-editors-and-authors) can be applied.


Manuscript authorship should be restricted to those who meet any of the following conditions: 1) substantial contribution to the conception and design of the study; 2) acquisition, interpretation, and analysis of data; 3) drafting the article or revising it critically for the important intellectual content. In addition, all listed authors must approve the final version of the manuscript to be published.

Conflict of interest

All authors are asked to inform the Editor-in-Chief of the any actual or potential conflict of interest possibly influencing their interpretation of the data. Such conflicts may include but are not limited to financial support or personal relationships with other people or organizations, political pressure from interest groups, or academic problems.

Copyright policy

All copyright and other intellectual property rights related to the content of the journal are licensed to IAS. Hence, a completed “Copyright Transfer Agreement” form should accompany any original material when it is first submitted to KJOAS. Once a manuscript is accepted, IAS asserts its copyright and applies it to an open access policy. Articles may be reproduced and distributed only for non-commercial purposes, as detailed in the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0. In other words, through the Creative Commons license, IAS allows others to reproduce and distribute the works it publishes, as long as the authors are properly attributed and the content is not plagiarized, misrepresented, or used for commercial purposes. Duplicate publications should not be represented as original publications; rather, KJOAS should be cited as the original site of publication. Apart from these misuses, anyone is free to read, download, copy, share, store, print, search, link, and crawl the full-text of the work.

Submission process

A manuscript must be written in the MS Word format. Submission of a manuscript must be only through the submission system at the journal home (http://www.kjoas.org). The first or corresponding author shall upload all files related to the manuscript on the submission system.

Upon submission, a cover letter must be provided and attached along with the manuscript files. The cover letter form and example can be downloaded from the submission system. The cover letter must include title and a brief explanation on significance of the manuscript, and contact information (e-mail address and phone number) of the corresponding author. The author(s) also are required to transfer the copy right of the manuscript to the society. All the authors must agree to publish the manuscript.


A submitted manuscript will be reviewed by at least two peer reviewers, and judged in the following categories: Accepted, Minor Revision, Major Revision, or Rejected.

No appeal policy

The authors may not appeal on the reviewers’ judgment, and this policy is applied automatically upon submission of a manuscript.

Peer Review procedure
Step 1: Format screen

A manuscript must be written in the paper format described in the submission guideline posted at the journal home (http://www.kjoas.org).

A manuscript that does not comply with the paper format will be immediately returned.

The author shall have to resubmit after revision to comply with the paper format.

Step 2: Editor assignment

A manuscript passed Step 1 shall be assigned by Editor-in-Chief to Associate Editors depending on the area.

An automatic e-mail feedback will be sent to the author.

Step 3: Reviewer assignment

The editor shall assign two other reviewers having specialty in the focus of the manuscript.

When there is disagreement in judgment among the reviewers, the editor may make a final judgment or assign another reviewer.

The editor may be one of the reviewers when there are no relevant reviewers, or abnormal delay has occurred during the review process.

The reviewers shall be anonymous and the review results shall not be disclosed to the others except for the author and the editors.

Step 4: Review

The reviewer shall complete his/her review within two weeks from receiving the review requesting e-mail.

Upon receiving the review request, the reviewer shall log in the journal home, sign in on the review consent, and download the files. The reviewer shall make a clear note or record with a different color at the part requiring revision.(Word file)

The reviewer shall write a summary, and upload it along with the reviewed file, and click/submit the preliminary judgment (Minor Revision, Major Revision and Rejected). “Accepted” judgment must not be clicked.

When the reviewer submits his/her review result, an automatic notice e-mail will be sent to editor.

Step 5: Judgment

Upon receiving the review results, the editor shall write an integrated summary with the reviewers’ summaries and additional opinions of the editor if any. Then the editor will upload the integrated summary along with all the files from the reviewers.

Upon completion of the review, the result shall immediately be notified to the corresponding author.

If the judgment is “Accepted”, the manuscript will be placed to publication (Step 7).

If the judgments of the two reviewers are “Minor or Major Revision” required, the manuscript will be place to the Revision and Resubmission (Step 6)

If one of the judgments is “Minor or Major Revision” required, but the other is “Rejected”, then the editor may assign a third reviewer, may become the third reviewer by him/herself, or judge in discussion with other editor(s).

If the judgment is “Rejected”, the manuscript will be returned to the corresponding author immediately.

Step 6: Revision or Resubmission

Upon receiving the review result, the corresponding author shall upload the revised manuscript within 2 weeks. If the author cannot upload the revised manuscript within 2 weeks, he/she must inform the delay to the editor and obtain an approval.

A Rejected manuscript may be resubmitted, but must declare the previous submission and judgment.

Step 7: Publication

The Accepted manuscripts are published in an order of Plant & Forest, Animal, Food & Chemistry, Engineering and Management & Economics papers.

Final files will go through technical corrections by the editor and be sent to the publisher.